Hey guys. Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. The Allen clan is doing good and it has been a busy time for us and our friends.
What's up: -Mark and Amity had there baby boy Wyatt. (He is so cute!! I am already planning their wedding)
-JT and Crystal got there baby girl. Paige can't wait to meet her new best friend!
-John and Alania had a baby girl. Yeah!
-Robbie and Erin had a baby boy. He will have his pick- the girl to boy ratio is in his favor:)
-My best friend Pam got married to Lou. She was the most beautiful bride and I got to visit my family and other best friend Sonia. It was a much needed stress free vacation for mommy.
-Flint and Rebekah came to visit. I miss them already.
-Having lots of fun on the lake this year!!
-Trying to keep up with a one year old:) I love staying at home with her. She is such a blessing and I could not imagine missing one smile. I have to say I love my family. Chris rocks.
What's up with Paige:-Paige turned one last week on July 2nd. Her birthday bash will be this Sat. and dedication this Sunday!! It is definately a special time for us with family comming in town for these events!
-Paige is standing up holding on to things, crawling like a sprinter, eating people food really well, saying "mama, dada, duck, fish, this, and insey (for he aunt Lindsey).
-Paige loves music and dancing. She can sign Jesus , point to herself, call the hogs, wave, blow kisses, Daddy taught her to go crazy and say donk while hitting her head while I was in Florida:).
-We have been to the Auatic center twice and she loves swimming with the kids and going down the slide.
-We tried to paint pottery. Parents please learn from my mistake. Not a good idea to take your one year old kid somewhere where everthing in the place is breakable:)